
Jæsmine: A Band of Friendship, Growth, and Music

Jæsmine is a band that combines the passion, hard work, and unity of its members. Their journey began in 2020, and over time, they have grown both musically and personally. Jæsmine brings together a variety of influences, experiences, and personalities, creating a unique sound and a dynamic live presence. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the band’s members, where they started, the creative process behind their music, and their experiences performing live.



Michael, the drummer, began his musical journey at a young age as he started playing the flute in nursery school. His fascination with the drums began when he spotted a kit during his lessons. The connection was immediate, and by the age of 10, he had switched to the drums, which became his true musical passion. His influences include Taylor Hawkins and Dave Grohl who Michael loves getting inspiration from but also incorporates a lot of his own ideas when composing his parts.

Guitarist Jonas picked up his instrument of choice at the age of 8 and has been playing for over 14 years. However, it wasn’t until a few years ago that he truly began to enjoy playing. In the beginning stages of the band, he used to be the lead singer but later decided to solely focus on the guitar. His early influences include blues rock and country, and later he started listening to 90s bands like Alice in Chains and Smashing Pumpkins.

Áron, the bands vocalist, and bassist has always been passionate about music. His musical journey took off during the COVID-19 pandemic when he taught himself to play the guitar. When Jæsmine formed, Áron stepped in to play bass and he finds playing bass much more engaging than he initially expected. His influences range from Kanye West to 90s alternative rock bands like Nirvana and Pixies, as well as reggae legend Bob Marley.


In Jæsmine, Áron is the primary songwriter, and he loves to work on the structure and finer details of the songs, while Jonas and Michael add their own touches. Although each member has their specialties, the band values collaboration and compromise. They believe that every member should feel like they are contributing equally to the music. If there’s disagreement on a certain part, they work together to find a solution that satisfies everyone.

Their earlier songs were written in English, with both Áron and Jonas contributing to the lyrics. Currently, Jæsmine is working on their second EP. This one they’re approaching differently than their first, “Unterhaltung für das Volk”, and experiment with new ideas.


Jaesmine’s music reflects a rich blend of individual influences, and the band members often exchange albums and ideas with each other and all three incorporate their own style and taste into their music. Despite their varied influences, the band agrees that what makes music special is its uniqueness and they appreciate all genres as long as the music stands out and fits together.


Jæsmine loves to deliver authentic live performances. They strive to make sure no two gigs are the same, constantly adapting to the mood of the crowd or the style of the other bands they share the stage with often leading to them improvising on stage. Some might say that their live shows are a bit „chaotic“ but the band themselves enjoy that all of their shows are different. They’re more focused on showcasing their music in a raw and authentic was without having to use an elaborate stage performance.

One of their favourite songs to perform live is “Wiedersehen”, which resonates deeply with both the band and their audience.

One of their favourite performances was at the Gasometer, a massive venue where they got the chance to connect with new people during the Planet Festival Band Contest. Although they felt the pressure of the event, it was a valuable experience that opened doors for the band.


Jæsmine’s journey hasn’t been without challenges. In the early days, they had a second guitarist who eventually left to pursue other directions. The band also faced the realities of recording and rehearsing, which they initially thought would be easier. Recording, especially, turned out to be much more time-consuming than they had thought in the beginning.

They handle everything themselves, from recording to mixing and mastering their EP. The process has been a big learning process, but it has strengthened their bond and taught them the value of hard work and dedication.


With their second EP in the works, Jæsmine is also planning a gig in Berlin and would love to play on the Red Bull Stage at Nova Rock. As they continue to grow, the band is also looking to establish a stronger presence in Burgenland, their home region.

For Jæsmine, the most important thing is the music. They want their audience to focus on the sound rather than the personalities behind it. As they continue to evolve, both in their music and as a band, they remain committed to pushing boundaries, staying authentic, and sharing their passion with the world.


written by: Vanessa

edited by: Anna