Art · 20. Februar 2025
Vor einigen Monaten hatte ich die Ehre das Stück „Grau - in einer farbenfrohen Welt“, geschrieben von Max Melo, im Theater Spektakel besuchen zu dürfen. Das Stück begann äußerst unauffällig während einige Gäste im Publikum noch ihren Platz suchten. Die Darsteller*innen begaben sich auf die Bühne und führten dort wortlos ihre Aufwärmübungen durch, etwas das sonst hinter den Kulissen passiert. Dies gab den Zuschauern die Gelegenheit bereits einen ersten Blick auf die...

Interviews  · 07. Februar 2025
In august we sat down with The Generation again to talk to them about their, now released, EP Heartbreak Season. They told us all about the production, how they started recording in their basement, and the story behind the EP itself. The idea for an EP was not a new one at all as they’ve already talked about it when there still were five of them, way over a year ago, but it took them some time to record, mix and master, and finish it. Although before something can be finished it has to be...

Reviews · 05. Februar 2025
With a prominent bass and heavy vocals Drunken Pumpkins starts off a strong and critical punk anthem about modern life on social media and the life we pretend to live. Even though the song is not even 3 minutes long the band proceeds to bring across their message perfectly through straight forward lyrics, raspy vocals, and heavy instrumentals. Especially the beginning of the song stands out with its guitar intro and the subsequent bass guitar line that can be heard clearly, something I enjoy...
Reviews · 26. Januar 2025
In Nowhere Arcane Bloom addresses the state of our society and world, how we live in almost dystopian times and keep doing nothing about it. This is shown perfectly by the last line of the song “We’re the cancer of the earth and the lungs turn black” which is very self-explanatory. Musically the song gives space for the lyrics to reach the listener without disappearing the int background completely. The intro sets the tone for the whole songs with dominant drums which stays that way...
Interviews  · 25. Januar 2025
Austria’s music scene is no stranger to talent and the variety of bands proves this again and again. Liquid Air, an alternative rock band with roots in school friendships and a shared love of music, is one such group. What defines them is not just their dynamic sound but also the journey that brought them together. Their story is one of passion, persistence, and a commitment to their craft, interwoven with the diverse musical backgrounds of its members. The beginning of Liquid Air started at...

Art · 22. Januar 2025
Name: Lukas Novoszel Künstlername: Kulturjournal Durch Kreativität Menschen zusammenzubringen, mit ihnen ins Gespräch zu kommen, sie kennen- und schätzen zu lernen, war für mich, seit ich, vor etwa 4 Jahren, damals im Alter von 15 Jahren, zum ersten Mal freiwillig, einen Stift in der Hand hatte, meine oberste Priorität. Voneinander profitieren können, kreative Ideen austauschen, und sich gegenseitig weiterbringen und inspirieren, egal wer man ist, wie man aussieht, sich fühlt, wen man...

Reviews · 12. Dezember 2024
Deeply emotional, raw, and heart wrenchingly beautiful. “Wen du liebst” talks about the involuntary nature of love, of how one cannot control who they fall for even if it hurts them in the end. From almost upbeat at the beginning to haunting in the middle part: The guitars show an impressive range just like the vocals which harmonise perfectly with the occasional backing. It’s the drums that bind it all together while the lyrics gets carried by the instrumentals and tells the story of a...
Small Businesses · 11. Dezember 2024
Welcome to the dark and edgy world of Wicked Faes, where every rebell will find a piece they‘ll love. I aim to give my pieces life and let them tell a story. Each of my pieces is sustainably made from either second-hand or locally sourced materials. Everything in my shop is unique and one-of-a-kind except for my chainmail pieces, which are made-to-Order and available in limited quantities at a time. In a world filled with mass production and overconsumption let us embrace the handmade, the...

Interviews  · 08. Dezember 2024
Cupiditas is a longing, a wish, a dream, and a band from Vienna rooted in Britpop nostalgia and friendship. On a cool Sunday noon Marvin, the vocalist-guitarist, and Michi, the bassist, told us the story of how Cupiditas was born, they talked about their music, their dreams, and current projects. The indie rock quartet have come a long way already but the road is still vast. Their initial start was a small school concert, a humble beginning, but this didn’t last long. From “Rock the...

News from the underground · 28. November 2024
A collective says goodbye and there's a party to say farewell, following is a text from Café Gagarin about their party on the 7th of December. Baba Gaga – the collective celebrates its last Birthday SAVE THE DATE: Saturday Dec 7th starting at 7pm we celebrate the official farewell party of Café Gagarin as a collective! The workers’ collective is celebrating its 12th and last birthday, what a reason to party. There will be drinks, cake, music by DJ Gintilla + a special playlist before, a...

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