Art · 15. Oktober 2024
Born and raised in Vienna, I started photographing at the age of thirteen and my photography has always been shaped by the people around me. My friends have been a big source inspiration for me and working with them has allowed me to push the boundaries of my own comfort zone within a safe space. Over the years, my style moved away from classic portraits to darker photography- more and more inspired by the underground and subcultures, both in Vienna and Berlin. „Holding on“ came to life in...

Interviews  · 13. Oktober 2024
Jæsmine is a band that combines the passion, hard work, and unity of its members. Their journey began in 2020, and over time, they have grown both musically and personally. Jæsmine brings together a variety of influences, experiences, and personalities, creating a unique sound and a dynamic live presence. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the band’s members, where they started, the creative process behind their music, and their experiences performing live. Michael, the drummer,...

Literature · 07. Oktober 2024
a spicebag in an ushanka under the heated carseat before the bong hit, first of two i am to allow myself this saturday eve but no more as my life tightens up i find the strength once more to limit my excesses, and my desires for them, to once a week and even to drag out the glorious pain of physical exercise this meal bears similarities to those storied feasts that i have shared but is by its nature a solitary ritual (and not merely because many of my friends have emigrated) its contents i know...
Reviews · 13. September 2024
Arcane Bloom’s newest single “My Collapsing Little Home” is out! The Tim Burton-esque sound, the rain in the background, and almost ominous sounding instruments, namely guitar and other sound effects, as well as heavy drum parts set this release apart from all their previous work. Having listened to all available songs I have to say that this song is my favourite. Maybe it is my love for Burtons work, or the fact that the lyrics written by Leon, the vocalist, in one of their darker times...
Art · 12. September 2024
Hey, my name is Stella. I'm sixteen years old and I'm from Germany. I draw a lot in my free time and like to try out different things and projects. I like to live out my creative freedom - from my own characters with different backstories and tattoo designs of all kinds all over to a big selection of fanarts of many bands and/or musicians. A huge inspiration, of course, is music (Punk/Metal/Rock) and the artists of those. For example, Murderdolls or Cannibal Corpse and Slayer but also punk...

Art · 01. September 2024
Der Tod.1 (Pastell Kreide und Kohle auf Papier; Maße: 1*1,7m) Lilien sind schon sehr lange meine Lieblingsblumen, und ich kann mich noch sehr gut daran erinnern, wie ich das zum ersten Mal meiner Mutter gesagt habe. Sie hat mir geantwortet „Ja, Lilien sind schön, aber sie stehen für den Tod. Das sind Begräbnisblumen, dass weißt du, oder?“. Das wusste ich nicht, aber in diesem Moment ist die Lilie für mich persönlich ein Symbol für das, was dieses Bild aussagen soll. An den...

Small Businesses · 26. August 2024
lunarcore – you’ll wanna wear this to your funeral second hand fashion and more sh1t Lunarcore launched in 2021 as BlackClothing and started as an Etsyshop for alternative and statement clothing. Back then my style and music taste were still a bit different. My style developed over the years, so did Lunarcore. I got deeply obsessed with gothic music and the gothic subculture. Obviously, I couldn’t keep myself from pimping up clothes to make them look more like something I would wear....

Interviews  · 07. August 2024
„We are Arcane Bloom – Boom!” This was the sentence all five band members were able to agree on as we asked them how they would describe themselves to someone who hasn’t listened to their music yet. We, here at Uncensored, think the description is brilliant as their music indeed feels like multiple different coloured fireworks go off. The musical path started early for every band member. Drummer Benji began playing the instrument in elementary school and a lot of his knowledge is...

Interviews  · 30. Juni 2024
A band that stands for individuality, freedom and acceptance and shows us the importance of that with their special style of music. We had a truly enjoyable chat with the five-headed group and they told us everything one needs to know about Mudfight. Some of the band members set foot in the music world at a very young age, like Dominik, the drummer, whose father studied guitar and inspired him to make music as well. Alex, one of the guitarists, loved listening to bands like AC/DC and KISS and...

News from the underground · 31. Mai 2024
The Generation has made history when they won the 2024 Planet Festival Tour Band Contest this may. After winning the first two rounds as well, the dream of playing Gasometer was not only tangible but happening. On the 18th of May they put on the performance of their lifetimes, at least up to now, featuring back-up vocals, a keyboard, and two saxophone players. Their hard work and the, what must have been, hundreds of hours of practice they put in really paid off as they managed to win the...

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