
Reviews · 12. Dezember 2024
Deeply emotional, raw, and heart wrenchingly beautiful. “Wen du liebst” talks about the involuntary nature of love, of how one cannot control who they fall for even if it hurts them in the end. From almost upbeat at the beginning to haunting in the middle part: The guitars show an impressive range just like the vocals which harmonise perfectly with the occasional backing. It’s the drums that bind it all together while the lyrics gets carried by the instrumentals and tells the story of a...
Reviews · 27. Oktober 2024
If Heaven Was Any Closer, I’d Still Choose You from Honestly The Worst was released about a week ago but something about it feels eerily familiar. The almost indie-like guitars, the drums that change from nearly silent to loud and the bassline are accompanied by lyrics typical for the band. They are poetic but raw and painfully straightforward. When listening to it I got pulled into a scene that most of us know in some way or another: Sitting on the bed realising that part of yourself is gone...
Reviews · 13. September 2024
Arcane Bloom’s newest single “My Collapsing Little Home” is out! The Tim Burton-esque sound, the rain in the background, and almost ominous sounding instruments, namely guitar and other sound effects, as well as heavy drum parts set this release apart from all their previous work. Having listened to all available songs I have to say that this song is my favourite. Maybe it is my love for Burtons work, or the fact that the lyrics written by Leon, the vocalist, in one of their darker times...